Corporal Works of Mercy

We are Christ's hands and feet in the world. Through the Corporal Works of Mercy Committee, we reach out to those in need in our Parish and our Community. We have a number of ways that we minister to others.

If you would like to become involved with the CWOM Committee, please contact the office (865-689-7011).

TBA: Keep an eye out for all our upcoming events during the 2024-2025 year!

CWOM: Programs

Homebound Ministry- volunteers take Holy Communion and visit with our homebound members. Deacon Mike Eiffe leads this program and sets up training with individual volunteers.

Prayer Blanket Ministry- volunteers make blankets that are blessed by one of our Parish Priests or Deacons and then these are hand delivered to those who are homebound.

Healthcare Committee- Health care professionals provide coverage for all Masses as First Aid Responders. Blood pressure screening is provided once a month after each Mass. 

Grocery Certificates- after weekend Masses on Saturday and Sunday each weekend, volunteers sell Kroger, Ingles, and Food City Grocery Gift Cards and 5% of the money comes back to the Parish to help those most in need through CWOM assistance/charity to the Community.

Seasonal Projects:

Christmas Bazaar (MAP PROGRAM) - Each year the CWOM committee buys Christmas gifts for our sponsored MAP children and community families in need and our parishioners can come and "buy" gifts to be taken up to Newcombe at our yearly Christmas bazaar after all the weekend Masses one weekend in December. Gifts are wrapped and delivered to MAP and local families in December.

Easter Baskets (MAP PROGRAM) - During Lent we will sponsor a collection of for purchasing Easter baskets, books, supplies, and food for the children in Newcombe.

School Supplies (MAP PROGRAM) - Late Summer each year we sponsor a collection for school supplies and back to school clothing for area schools and children in Newcombe.

Chair: Erin Wessel, Programs